
The Reclusive Billionaire Behind Trump’s 2024 Campaign: Timothy Mellon

The Reclusive Billionaire Behind Trump’s 2024 Campaign: Timothy Mellon
  • PublishedJune 24, 2024

Who is Timothy Mellon?

Timothy Mellon, an 81-year-old billionaire scion of the Pittsburgh-based Mellon banking family, has recently emerged as a significant backer of Donald Trump’s 2024 election campaign. With a hefty $50 million donation made on May 31, Mellon has become the largest donor to the former president so far during this electoral cycle. Known for his reclusive nature, Mellon avoids the spotlight and the social circles of other U.S. billionaires, making his substantial political contributions all the more intriguing.

Mellon’s Family Legacy and Career

According to Forbes, Mellon is a descendant of Thomas Mellon, an Irish immigrant who amassed a fortune in real estate and banking after arriving in the U.S. in 1818. The Mellon family, including Timothy’s grandfather Andrew Mellon, a former U.S. Treasury Secretary, is today worth over $14 billion, making them the 34th richest family in the U.S. Born in 1942, Timothy Mellon attended Yale University, where his father funded the Yale Center for British Art. In 1981, he founded Guilford Transportation Industries, acquiring major railways and later the brand of Pan American World Airways.

Mellon’s Political Views and Contributions

Mellon has a history of supporting conservative candidates and causes. In 2010, he donated $1.5 million to Arizona to help defend a controversial anti-immigration bill. More recently, he contributed over $53 million to support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border in Texas. Despite his conservative leanings, he has occasionally made small donations to Democrats, including $2,700 to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 2018 campaign.

Notable Ventures and Legal Battles

Beyond politics, Mellon has engaged in various notable ventures. In 2012, he donated $1 million to a group searching for Amelia Earhart’s remains and aircraft, even joining an expedition that ultimately yielded no results. A subsequent lawsuit he filed against the organization was unsuccessful. Mellon’s eclectic interests and substantial political donations continue to draw attention, even as he remains largely out of the public eye.

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